02 February 2018


Buoni segnali dalla regione dei Grandi Laghi, Canada e USA, e non solo

Propagazione in movimento con qualche sorpresa in onde medie. Canada e USA con buoni segnali in particolare dall'area dei Grandi Laghi. Ma non solo. Ecco un log. 73, Giampiero

980 1/2 0450 CHRF, Montreal, Canada, songs, French, fair

1050 1/2 0500 CHUM, Toronto, ON, Canada, sport, weak/fair

1130 1/2 0500 WBBR, New York, USA, id, news, fair

1150 1/2 0600 CKOC, Hamilton, ON, Canada, id, talks, fair signal, strong QRM 1152

1180 1/2 0545 WHAM, NY, USA, news, fair signal but QRM 1179, hrd in USB

1190 1/2 0600 WLIB, New York, USA, religious, weak/fair

1250 1/2 0500 WMTR (p), Morristown NJ, oldies, fair QRM Hungary 1251

1270 1/2 0500 WXYT, Detroit, USA, "Sports Radio 1270", good

1280 1/2 0450 CFMB Montreal, Canada, songs, id, nx, commercials, talks in Creole French, fair/good

1320 1/2 0620 CJMR Oakville, ON, Canada, Asian songs & talks, fair

1350 1/2 0600 WOYK, York, PA, USA, sport talks, weak/fair

1350 28/1 0545 LS6 Radio Buenos Aires, Argentina, talks about family, fair

1380 1/2 0630 CKPC, Brantford, ON, Canada, Country songs ids CKPC hometown radio fair/good

1380 27/1 0500 Radio Nuevo Tiempo, Lima, Peru, religious talks & songs, weak/fair

1390 28/1 0600 WEGP Presque Isle ME USA, religious, legal id, fair/good

1400 27/1 0630 CBG, Gander, NL, Canada, talks CBC, fair

1409.993 27/1 0640 CJWI (p) S. Constant, QC, Canada, music, songs, few words in French, weak

1430 27/1 0650 WENE Andycott, NY, USA Sport talks, id nx on the hour, weak/fair

1440 27/1 0650 WRED, Westbrook, ME, USA, sport, id on the h. fair

1440 27/1 0702 WVEI (p) Worcester, MA USA, mixed with RED, id ESPN Radio, fair few min

1480 1/2 0500 WGVU Kentwood MI, USA, songs, jazz, oldies, ids also FM, fair

1580 1/2 0545 CKDO Oshawa, ON, Canada, oldies, fair

1610 1/2 0525 CHHA, Montreal, Canada, talks in French than Spanish, songs, id Voices latinas weak/fair

1630 1/2 0500 KKGM, Fort Worth, TX, USA, non stop religious mx, fair/good

1700 1/2 0500 KKLF, Richardson, TX, USA, SS, Latin songs, commercials, weak/fair

QTH Bocca di Magra - RX: remote Winradio Excalibur & Wellbrook 1530LNP loop

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