01 January 2016


Il 2015 se ne va portandosi via qualche altra radio in onde medie

Buon anno a tutti. Con tanti ascolti e qualche nuova radio, magari. Il 2015 se ne è andato portandosi via qualche altra radio in onde medie. Francesi, tedesche e il tx del Lussemburgo su 1440 kHz. Qualche altra radio se ne andrà nei prossimi giorni, nella Repubblica Ceca.

Proviamo a verificare cosa è cambiato e come. Magari ascolteremo qualche stazione nuova, mai sentita prima. Insomma cerchiamo di pensare positivo. E accendiamo la radio. Mugugnare a radio spenta non ha senso, dai!

Ecco qualche ascolto in onde medie e pure in onde corte.

Su 1359 non c'era la solita stazione italiane e arrivava l'Etiopia.

594 26/12 1900 IRIB R. Fars, Shiraz, Iran, id news, fair
648 26/12 1900 R Murski Val, Slovenia, id, news, fair
702 26/12 1858 SRo 3 Rádio Devín, Slovakia, Opera, fair //1098
846 26/12 1859 IRIB R Tabriz, Mianeh, Iran, music, news, weak
927 23/12 0500 TRT 1, Izmir, Turkey, talks, songs, good
963 23/12 0500 RTT R Tunis Int. Tunisia, French, news, good
963 26/12 1902 "Radio Tunis Cadena Internacional", start in Spanish, good
972 26/12 1710 IRIB R Ilam, Iran, talks, fair-good
990 22/12 0557 SER Cadiz, Spain, Andalucia commercials, fair
990 22/12 0559 Radio Bilbao SER, Spain, local id, fair
999 23/12 0500 Radio Malta, music and Holy Rosary, in Maltese, fair, dominant
999 26/12 1900 TWR, Grigoriopol, Moldovia, start in Russian, good

1008 18/12 0555 ERA Kerkyra, Greece, talks Greek, over Holland for 2 minutes, fair
1026 1/12 0557 SER Tarragona, Spain, regional nx, "SER Catalunya", good
1035 19/12 0555 Media Veneta, Vigonza, PD, Italy, liscio mx, good
1044 1/12 0556 SER San Sebastian, Spain, regional, commercials, fair
1053.098 1/12 0155 R. Libya, Tripoli, Holy Kuran, very strong
1071 26/12 1720 AIR Rajkot, India, songs, fair (good at 1855)
1080 18/12 0559 Radio Huesca SER, Spain, local id, fair
1080 22/12 0558 SER Granada, Spain, regional prg, El tiempo, fair
1134 18/12 0557 COPE Jerez de la Frontera, regional prg, local commercials, fair
1134 30/11 1725 R. Kuwait, Arabic, reports, good
1143 18/12 0557 COPE Jaen, Spain, local id, commercials, fair
1188 23/12 0501 Greek pirate, Greece, Greek songs no stop, good
1260 22/12 0557 SER Algeciras, Spain "Hoy por hoy cadena Ser Andalucia", fair
1269 26/12 1727 R Novi Sad, Srbobran, Serbia, songs, talk, fair
1296 26/12 1729 Radio Ashna, Kabul, Afghanistan, talks, song, dominant over Spain & Serbia
1287 23/12 0506 Greek Pirate, Greece, Greek songs, fair
1287 24/12 0556 SER Lleida, Spain, Catalunya news, good
1323 26/12 1900 R Neumarkt, Targu Mures, id, German, good
1341 26/12 2125 R Gold, tx? Italia, songs, id, good
1359 24/12 0600 R. Time, Italy, "R Time, una voce forte e chiara...", fair
1359 26/12 1725 Dimtsi Woyane Tigray, Mekelle, Ethiopia, HOA songs, talks, fair
1368 26/12 1728 Greek Pirate, Greece, Greek songs, fair dominant
1386 26/12 1729 Radio Japan NHK, Sitkunai, Lithuania, start bc, weak
1404 23/12 1729 ERT Open/ERA, Komotinis, Greece, ids, talks, good
1431 26/12 1725 Radio Sawa, Djibouti, songs, fair, QRM Ukraine

1404 23/12 0500 EDR Proto Program, Komotinis, Greece, news, good //1512
1431 23/12 0500 Smooth Radio, Southend, UK, news, weak
1485 24/12 0555 SER Alcoy, Spain, Comunidad Valenciana news, fair
1512 23/12 0500 EDR Proto Programa, Chania, Greece, news, fair //1404

1539 24/12 0556 SER Elche, Spain, Comunidad Valenciana nx, fair dominant
1539 24/12 0558 SER Manresa, Spain, Catalunia regional, good over Elche
1557 26/12 1725 IRIB R Iran, Zabol, songs, fair, dominant over France
1575 26/12 1730 Radio Farda, Al-Dhabbaya, Abu Dhabi, id news, good over RAI Genova!
1610 22/12 0555 Caribbean Beacon, Anguilla, talks, weak

3320 22/12 2110 SABC R Sonder Grense, S. Africa, talks, weak/fair
4835 22/12 2115 VL8A ABC Alice Springs, Australia, EE, talks, weak
5915 26/12 2010 Zambia NBC Radio 1, Lusaka, Afro songs, fair/good
6030 26/12 2005 Radio Oromiya, Ethiopia, nice songs, good
9524.98 26/12 2018 "World Service Voice of Indonesia", English, reports, economics, fair
15000 2612 2016 Assoc. Amici di Italcable, Corsanico (LU), Italy, time, music

Buon anno e buoni ascolti dalla gatta Trippa
QTH: Bocca di Magra - RX: Excalibur Pro - ANT: Wellbrook 1530S+ Imperium

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