15 April 2013


BOC 29 - Alcuni DX Transatlantici in Onde Medie

Alcuni dei DX Transatlantici in Onde Medie a BOC 29 altri sono rimasti negli appunti di Dario... arriveranno sul blog prima o poi, chissà.

Dario Monferini allo shack di BOC 29
1030 9/4 0020 LS10 Radio del Plata, Argentina, talks, weak, better in USB

1040 9/4 0024 Radio Capital, Sao Paulo, Brazil, talks, poor/fair

1220 9/4 0030 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, reports, fair

1280 10/4 0302 Radio Tupi, Rio de Janeiro, sport, fair

1300 9/4 0430 WOOD, Grand Rapids, MI, USA, news, id "Michigan Radio WOOD", weak

1390 7/4 0423  WEGP, Presque Isle, ME, USA, commercials "Big Pizza in Presque Isle", fair/good

1430 7/4 0420 WENE, Endicott, NY, USA news sport, fair/good

1500 7/4 0425 WFED, Washington, USA, news, poor/weak

1510 7/4 0308 WUFC, Boston, USA, talks, poor

1520 7/4 0423 WWKB, Buffalo, NY, USA, reports, poor to good

1560 7/4 0428 WQEW, Radio Disney, NY, USA, pop songs, weak/fair

1570 7/4 0427 CJLV, Laval, QC, Canada, French pop songs, poor/fair

1610 7/4 0422 Caribbean Beacon, talks, English, fair/good

1620 9/4 0425 Radio Rebelde, Cuba, news, songs, fair

1650 7/4 0426 CJRS, Montreal, Canada, talks in French, fair, QRM another NA station

1660 7/4 0430 WWRU, Jersey City, NJ, USA, talks in Korean, fair, over WGIT

1660 9/4 0425 KRZI (tent), Waco, TX, USA, Sport talks, poor/weak

1660 7/4 0434 WGIT, Puerto Rico, talks in Spanish, how to buy a car, now over WWRU, fair/good

1680 9/4 0427 KRJO, Monroe, LA, USA, id and economics, weak

1700 9/4 0430 KVNS, Brownsville, TX, USA, talks sport in English, weak, deep fading

Il gatto Trippa: "Ehilà, c'è propagazione!"

RX: Excalibur Pro; SDR-IQ; AOR 5000A; Drake SPR-4; Degen DE1103;
ANT: Wellbrook Loop LFL 1010; MaxiWhip 10 meters with balun 1:32 by A.Capra
QTH: Bocca di Magra (La Spezia, Liguria)

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