27 March 2013


Kaduna 594 bene - Studio X off

Ecco qualche ascolto in Onde Medie tra una bistecca e un chilo di cantucci

RX: SDR Elad FDM-S1 (Studio 1 software)
ANT: Windom 60 meters long by A.Capra - Wire 30 meters
QTH: Pescia (Pistoia), Tuscany

594 25/3 2220 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, talks in Hausa, good //6089.85, Morocco again on 595 kHz

675 25/3 2235 Libya al Hurra, Benghazi, songs, id:  "Huna ul Libya al Hurra"

1395 25/3 2320 Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia, Russian, talks, fair

1431 25/3 2210 Radio Sawa, Djibouti, Arabic, songs and reports, fair

1466.99 25/3 2330 IRIB, Qom, Iran, talks, Farsi, weak/fair, slow fading

1550 25/3 2200 Nat. Radio of Saharan ADR, Algeria, time and news, Arabic, fair

1566 25/3 2350 Eagle Extra, Guildford, UK, songs, ids, weak/fair, some QRM BBC, fading

1584 25/3 2205 NO signal of Studio Radio X nor RAI Terni. Both Off. Only SER Spain

Elad FDM S1

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