04 October 2008


All'improvviso la propagazione

Propagazione improvvisamente buona intorno alle 0500 UTC a Bocca di Magra

1140 27/9 0510 WQBA, Miami, Florida, USA talks and commercials in SS, very good at 0516

1180 27/9 0513 Radio Martì via VOA tx, Marathon, Florida USA, politics, SS, fair mixed with another UNID station broadcasting in SS nice Latin romantic songs

1190 27/9 0500 WLIB, New York, USA, ids fair & UNID in SS Latin Songs no stop, very good at 0520

1320 27/9 0513 Unid USA, Gospel & short talks in EE, poor, sometimes fair

1330 27/9 0520 WRCA (presumed), Watertown, MA, USA, Musica latina & talks SS, fair

1370 27/9 0516 WDEA Ellsworth ME & UNID USA talk radio (WXXI, NY ?) mixed, poor to fair

1390 27/9 0455 WEGP, Presque Isle, ME, USA, talks, ids, fair to good

1500 27/9 0450 WWWT, Washington, USA, talks, poor to fair (Note: the new call should be WFED, but I couldn't understand if it was in use yet)

1510 27/9 0508 WWZN, Boston, ME, USA, talks, poor to fair

1520 27/9 0504 WWKB, Buffalo, NY, USA, Talks, fair

1540 27/9 0503 WCDC, Albany NY USA, slow religious songs, no id heard, strong QRM 1539, poor to fair

1660 27/9 0445 WCNZ, Relevant Radio, Marco Island, Florida USA, Talks, fair

1680 27/9 0430 WOKB, Winter Garden, Florida USA, phone talks in FF, night Haitian program, some slow songs, fair to good

1700 27/9 0510 WJCC, Miami Spring Florida, USA, songs, fair

Rx: Perseus - Ant: Wellbrook loop LFL 1010
QTH: Bocca di Magra - La Spezia (Liguria) - Italy

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