26 October 2011
Italia in onde medie
567 19-21/09 0520-0528, 1010-1028, Sunday 1015-1027v Rai 1 Tgr Emilia Romagna, Tx Budrio. Regular Signals, More Weak Rai Sicily Heard Only At 0520-0528. Suff/Good Boc-25
657 19-21/09 0520-0528,1010-1028 Rai 1 Tgr Toscana, Tx Pisa-Coltano. Dominating the channel. Very Good. Boc-25
657 Night 2230...0355v Rai 1 Fm Network, Is Relay Here, Night Program // Fm Txs !!! Not // 900 Khz. This Service Is Irregular...One Night On....One Night Off... V.Good Boc-25
819 20+21/09 0520-0558, 1010-1059 Rai 1 Tgr Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trieste, Friuli, Regional Service. They Carry Tgr Veneto At 1010-1028 Hours. Poor/Suff. Boc-25 After The Repair Of The Tx & New Replacement Signal Of Rai 1 Trieste is Poor
900 19-21/09 0520-0528, 1010-1028 Rai 1, Tgr Lombardia, Milano-Siziano, Regional Lombardia, Good/V.Good. Boc-25
936 19-21/09 0520-0528, 1010-1028 Rai 1 Tgr Sicilia, Tx Trapani, Sicilia, Id "Sede Regionale Della Sicilia". Midday Best Signal From Sicily. Good. Boc-25 Attention Rai 1 Relay At Night On This Frequency The Rai 1 Fm Programs 2230-0355 Hours. Not // 900.
981 19-20/09 1100-1400 Rai Trieste 4, Slovenian Service, With Loop E/W. Better Signal Than Rai 1 On 819 Khz + Era Athens, Greece, Local Program (Not Era Sport) + Rta Chaine 2, Algers, Algeria, In Arab. Loop N/S. Suff/Good. Boc-25
999 19-22/09 0520-0528;1010-1028 Rai 1, Tgr Umbria, Perugia, Regional, in // 1584 Khz Tx Terni + Rai 1 Tgr Emilia Romagna, Tx Rimini, In // 567 Khz. Separable With Loop. Poor/Good. Boc-25 Attention On 999 Rai At Night 2230...0355 Relay The Rai 1 Fm all night by 2 Tx Rai, not well syncronized, producing echos effects. Sunday night program called "Brasil". Good/V.Good. Boc-25
1035 20-22/09 0520-0528 Rai 1 Tgr Abruzzo, Tx Pescara, "Tgr Giornale Radio Dell'abruzzo". Poor/Suff. Boc-25
1062 19-21/09 0520-0528,1020-1058 Rai 1 Tgr Sardegna, Cagliari, Sardegna, Regional Service, //1143 Khz Tx Sassari (Good). Suff/Good. Boc-25 Attention On
1062 Rai At Night 2230...0355 Relay The Rai 1 Fm, All Night, In //656, 936, 999, 1430. Boc-25
1107 19/09 2340-2359 Rai 1 Roma, Monte Mario Tx, 10 Kw (but could be less power) With Notturno Italiano In // 900 Khz. + Radio Serbia, Tx Novi Sad/Orlovat, Serbia, Serbian News Report + Afn Bavaria, Germany, Tx Vilseck 10kw. Poor/Good. Boc-25
1116 19-21/09 0520-0528; 1010-1028; 1015-1025 (Sunday Only) Rai 1, Tgr Piemonte, Tx Cuneo. In the morning at 0520- + Rai 1 Tgr Sicilia, Tx Palermo. Separable With Loop N/S. Poor/Good. Boc-25
1143 19-21/09 0520-0528; 1010-1058; 1015-1025 (Sunday Only) Rai 1, Tgr Sardegna, Tx Sassari, Sardegna, Regional Service, In // 1062 Khz. Dominating The Frequency. Good/V.Good. Boc-25
1233 19-20/09 1830-2015 Media Veneta Broadcast, Tx Padova Area, New Italian Private Commercial Station, Asking For Email Only Reports : Mediavenetabroadcast@Libero.It Signals On/Off. At Night On 1233 Khz You Must Be Careful Often You May Listen To The Tx Absolute Radio, Uk, //1214 Khz With oldies pop mx. Loop N/S. Poor/Suff. Boc-25
1368 17-22/09 1600..1000 Challenger Radio, Villa Estense, Padova, Italy, Programs From Irrs-Italy After 1600 Hours. Heard relay Studio-Dx italian program at 0001- & 1000- + At Evening QRM from Egyptian radio in Arabic. Suff/Good. Boc-25
1431 18-21/09 0520-0528 Rai 1, Tgr Puglia, Tx Foggia, Puglia, Regional News. Suff/Good. Boc-25 Attention : At Night The Rai 1 Network, Relay Fm Rai 1, At 2230-0350. "Rai 1 Stereo Notte" In // 657+936+999+1062 Khz. Suff/Good. Boc-25
1485 19/09 1700-1715 "Siete All'ascolto Di Broadcast Italia", Broadcast Italia, Roma, Italy. Old Jazz Music Program. Also advertising for Roma area. Email: postmaster (-@-)broadcastitalia.it Web : www.Broadcastitalia.It/Webradio.Htm Suff/Good. Boc-25
1575 18-21/09 0520-0528;1010-1028 Rai 1, Tgr Liguria, Tx Portofino/Genova, Liguria, regional news. V.Good. Boc-25
1584 17-21/09 1000-2100 Radio Studio X, Momigno, Italy. New 12 Kw Tx Working Full Power. Www.Radiostudiox.It Sundays At 1000- Studio-Dx by R. Scaglione, DX program. Web : www.studiodx.net Good/V.Good. Boc-25
1584 19/09 0520-0528 Rai 1, Tgr Umbria, Tx Terni, Umbria Regional Service. Mixed Up/Down Studio X. Poor/Suff. Boc-25
Nota bene:
Dal 30 ottobre scatta l'ora solare. Quindi occorre tenere conto che l'orario locale dei programma regionali resta inalterato, ma la differenza Ora locale-UTC passa da 2 a 1 ora.
Remember that from 30 October new schedules for Rai 1 Regional services: 0620-0628 & 1110-1128 Monday Till Saturday. Sunday 1115v-1125v (Dario Monferini)
20 October 2011
Onde medie dalla Corea al Brasile
Qualche ascolto in onde medie, tra la Liguria e la Toscana. Purtroppo è già un po' che non riesco a imbroccare il momento giusto per le MW nordamericane o sudamericane. Comunque l'importante è insistere.
525 1410 0020 WRW Wroclaw NDB Poland 941 km
549 14/10 0000 RTA Chaine 1, Sidi, Algeria, news, id like a commercial radio! nice songs. Very good //531
594 14/10 2220 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, African slow song, talks in Vn, fair
594.01 14/10 2225 IRIB, Zahedan, Iran, serious talks, Farsi, weak (turning the loop to avoid Nigeria)
595 14/10 2220 SNRT Al Idaa, Morocco, again off frequency, Arabic, good
657 18/10 2320 RAI, Napoli, Italy, Notturno Italiano in // with RAI Milan 900. Poor: under RAI Pisa rebroadcasting FM program // 693 RAI Milano in DRM.
666 13/10 2245 ERT Atene, id "programa Kosmos", nice music, fair/good
740 14/10 0136 Radio Sociedade, Salvador, Brazil, talks, poor
765 13/10 2225 BSKSA Al-Qura, Saudi Arabia, talks //11820 Arabic, good
846 13/10 1725 Radio Radonez (pres), Russia, talks in Russian, fair
850 16/10 0414 WEEI (pres) Boston, USA, Talks, fair for few minutes
855 14/10 0047 DR Wissen DRM, label but no audio
917 15/10 2245 Radio Gotel, Yola, Nigeria, phone talks, fair for some minutes
954 14/10 0100 Unid in Arabic, presumed QBS Qatar, talks like news mentioning Amerikìa, weak/fair fading, QRM Spain
981 14/10 0105 Rai Trieste, news in French //900, at 0110 in Italian again "Notturno italiano". Fair
1035 14/10 0115 Star FM, Portugal, songs, fair/good
1062 14/10 2256 Country Radio, Praha, Czech, country songs, ids, fair
1071 14/10 2300 IRIB, Ma'ar Radio, Qom, Iran, hymn, id, talks, fair/good
1088 13/10 1832 RNA, Angola, talks, poor QRM 1089
1220 14/10 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, talks, poor/weak fading
1296 13/10 1847 Sudan RTVC, long talk Arabic mentioning Sudan, fair
1296 14/10 1938 Radio Beograd, Serbia, music, talks, id, fair/good, QRM Spain
1368 13/10 1945 Galei Zahal, Israel, pop songs, //9235 fair/good
1368 14/10 2202 ERTU General Service (pres), Egypt, Arabic songs, mixed with Galei Zahal, poor/fair
1377 13/10 1638 Voice of Russia, Gavar, Armenia, Russian talks, fair
1377 13/10 1910 TWR, Gavar, Armenia, Arabic program, talks woman, fair/good QRM France
1386 14/10 2205 Euskadi Irratia, Bilbao, Spain, nice songs, fair/good
1449 14/10 2310 Sawt al Liby, Misrata, Libyareligious hymn loop, continuos, very good S 9+30
1467 14/10 2317 BSKSA, Hafar, Saudi Arabia, talks in Arabic //1521, fair
1476 13/10 1925 Radio Medjugorje Italia, Villa D'Este, Italy, program in Croatian (pres), songs also Pavarotti, ids, fair
1476.25 13/10 1935 IRIB, Marivan, Irantalks in Farsi, mentioning Iran, fair, QRM
1510 16/10 0340 WWZN Boston USA, usual talks, fair
1512 14/10 1841 BSKSA, Saudi Arabia, Holy Kuran program, // 11915, fair/good
1520 14/10 0450 WWKB, Buffalo, NY, USA, talks, poor
1521 13/10 1658 CRI, Urumqi, China, Chinese music, at 1700 start bc in Russian, good! (loop 45°)
1530 14/10 1645 Unid Greek, could be Iperohos Thessalonike ?, greek songs, talks, loop 115° to avoid Romania, later QRM Voa Sao Tome. fair for 10 minutes
1530 14/10 1656 VOA Sao Tome, talks in English, rap song, fair
1539 13/10 2002 RTV Djibouti, female songs, Horn of Africa style, fair
1548 13/10 2010 China Radio Int., Moldova, Bc in Romanian, reports, good
1548 13/10 2130 Voice of Russia, Moldova, in Italian, news. Good
1550.02 13/10 1839 RASD, Algeria, talks, poor
1566 13/10 1915 TWR Benin, religious talk in French, fair/good
1566 14/10 1848 HLAZ (pres), South Korea, talks in Russian (for about 5 minutes) fair
1584 13/10 2101 Studio X (presumed): songs non stop, QRM RAI Terni, fair signal. Irregular tx.
1584 14/10 2331 SER Gandia, Spain, local commercials, fair
1593 13/10 2125 WDR Langenberg DRM loop id in German. Buono, audio with few stops
1611 13/10 2119 Radia Vaticana, DRM, coro benedettino annunciato in Latino. Ottimo
RX: Excalibur Pro G33DDC, Eton E1
ANT: Wellbrook LFL 1010, MaxiWhip (7 meters vertical & 1:32 baloon), Long wire 30 meters
QTH: Bocca di Magra (Liguria) JN44XB & Pescia (Toscana) JN53IV